Friday, May 29, 2015

Garden Update #1

Well it's hard to believe it's almost June! But we are so ready for summer! It's been beautiful here and we've all been loving the sunshine.

Edward enjoying a good roll in the sun!
They also opened the park splash pads here in Portland and W has been enjoying them every day. With temps in the 80s again today, it's safe to say we'll be back there again this afternoon!

My garden is enjoying the sunshine as well. It also enjoys when I remember to water it. Note to self: remember to water the garden!

The strawberries are really growing and the red one on the right is just about ready to eat. W actually picked another ripe one and gave it the thumbs up, but he's anxiously awaiting sinking his teeth into this bad boy!

I will eat all the strawberries!
The peas are still going strong as well. We picked a few pods that I'm not sure were 100% ready yet but W deemed them very sweet and yummy. Can't wait until the rest of these are ready!

And I just love how the bean stems are wrapping themselves around the bamboo.

We picked some lettuce last night for salad (it was fantastic!) so the lettuce is looking a little sparse but it'll grow back soon. We've also picked a few of the French radishes - very peppery! - but they were on the small side so I'm trying to get  W to leave the rest and let them get a little bigger. I can't decide whether I want to plant another round of seeds or not. Also, the parsley is still doing it's thing. I think B used a leaf or two for cooking and then ate some leaves plain (for breath control) so at least it's getting some use!

And the zucchini and tomatoes are still fighting for control of the patio!

The zucchini leaves are giant and still unfortunately blocking most of the light from the pepper plant, though I've tried to lower the leaves of the zucchini plant but that thing just keeps growing!

Poor Mr. Pepper Plant :(
The yellow tomatoes made their move this week and have started to flower!

Look at that strong stalk!

The red cherry tomatoes are still the tomato champs though, there are about 7 tiny little tomatoes growing!

And I wouldn't want to forget W's pumpkin plant, which he asks about, looks at, and reminds me to water everyday.

Plus I discovered that the second rose bush in my front yard is red! Only two blooms so far but it looks like it's getting ready to go crazy with all the buds on it! Can't wait!

We'll be outside enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful weather while it lasts (it's supposed to rain Monday and Tuesday). Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


- c

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